Air Pollution Risk Assessment Using GIS and Remotely Sensed Data in Kirkuk City, Iraq
According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates and based on a world population review, Iraq ranks tenth among the most air-polluted countries in the world. In this study, the authors tried to evaluate the outdoor air of Kirkuk City north of Iraq. The authors relied on two types of data: field measurements and remotely sensed data. Fifteen air quality points were determined in the study region representing the monthly average measurements implemented for the one-year dataset. Geographic information systems (GIS) based geo-statistic and geo-processing techniques have been applied to collected data. Spatial distribution data related to Air Quality Index (AQI), and Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5) were obtained by mapping collected records. Remotely sensed data of PM2.5 were analyzed and compared with the collected data. Health impacts were assessed per each air pollutant determined in the study. Spatial distribution maps revealed the hazardous air type in the study area. Overall AQI ranged between 300 and 472 µg/m3 referring to unhealthy, very unhealthy, and hazardous classes of pollution. Also, PM10 ranged between 300 and 570 µg/m3 indicating the same class of air pollution from unhealthy to hazardous. While PM2.5 ranged between 40 and 60 µg/m3 which represents unhealthy air for sensitive persons and unhealthy air. The remotely sensed data revealed different air types for the study period ranging from 14.5 to 52.5 µg/m3 represented in moderate and unhealthy air for sensitive persons. Significant correlations were obtained where the mean local R2 (coefficient of determination) was obtained as 0.83. The assessed data were within high air pollution that requires immediate intervention for controlling causes and eliminating their effects.
Air pollution risk; AQI; GIS; Particulate matter; Remote sensingReferences
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