Evaluation of COSMO-CLM Model Parameter Sensitivity in the Study of Extreme Events across the Eastern Region of India
The present study aims to identify the parameters from the Consortium for Small-scale Modelling in CLimate Mode (COSMO-CLM) regional climate model that strongly controls the prediction of extreme events over West Bengal and the adjoining areas observed between 2013 to 2018. Metrics, namely Performance Score (PS) screen out the most persuasive parameter on model output. Additionally, the Performance Index (PI) measure the reliability of the model and Skill Score (SS) establishes the model performance against the reference simulation leading to the optimization of the model for a given variable. In this study, parameter screening for four output variables such as 2m-temperature, surface latent heat flux, precipitation and cloud cover of COSMO-CLM is accomplished. For heat wave simulations, 2m-temperature and surface latent heat flux are explored whereas cloud cover and precipitation are examined for extreme rainfall events. A total of 25 adjustable parameters representing the following parameterization schemes: turbulence, land surface process, microphysics, convection, radiation and soil. Out of the six parameterization schemes, the scaling factor of the laminar boundary layer for heat (rlam_heat) and the ratio of laminar scaling factors for heat over sea and land (rat_sea) from the land surface process is sensitive to SLH, TP. The exponent to get the effective surface area (e_surf) from the land surface has a large impact on 2m-temperature. A few parameters from microphysics (cloud ice threshold for auto conversion), convection (mean entrainment rate for shallow convection) and radiation (parameter for computing the amount of cloud cover in saturated conditions) play a significant role in producing TP, and TCC fields. It is evident from the results that the parameter sensitivities on model performance depend on the choice of the meteorological field. Furthermore, in almost all input model parameters, the model performance reveals the opposite character in different domains for a given meteorological field.
India; Climate models; Model sensitivity; COSMO-CLM; Model evaluationReferences
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