A Formation of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles Due to Gas-to-Particle Conversion in Dark Conditions and the Particles’ Evolution in Large (3200 m3) Isolated Volume


  • Sergey Dubtsov

    Laboratory of nanoparticles, Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RAS, Institutskaya st.3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

  • Vladimir Ivanov

    Department of atmospheric modeling, RPA "Typhoon", Pobeda st.4, Obninsk 249038, Kaluga Region, Russia

  • Oleg Ozols

    Department of atmospheric modeling, RPA "Typhoon", Pobeda st.4, Obninsk 249038, Kaluga Region, Russia

  • Alexei Paley

    Department of geoeffective radiation, Fedorov Institute of Applied Geophysics, Rostokinskaya st.9, Moscow 129128, Russia

  • Yuri Pisanko

    Department of geoeffective radiation, Fedorov Institute of Applied Geophysics, Rostokinskaya st.9, Moscow 129128, Russia

    Ocean’s thermo-hydromechanics chair, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (national research university), Institutsky lane 9, Dolgoprudny 141701, Moscow region, Russia

  • Nikolai Romanov

    Department of atmospheric modeling, RPA "Typhoon", Pobeda st.4, Obninsk 249038, Kaluga Region, Russia

  • Dzhalil Sachibgareev

    Department of atmospheric modeling, RPA "Typhoon", Pobeda st.4, Obninsk 249038, Kaluga Region, Russia

  • Marina Vasilyeva

    Guarding and management chair, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Obraztsova st.9, Moscow 127994, GSP-4, Russia


Received: 28 May 2024 | Revised: 25 July 2024 | Accepted: 11 September 2024 | Published Online: 11 October 2024


absence. The study was carried out in the Large Aerosol Chamber (LAC) of Research and Production Association (RPA) "Typhoon" having 3200 m3 volume. Because of the large size of the LAC, it is possible to exclude the boundary conditions influence by chamber walls and the equipment inside the LAC on the processes under study. The LAC has two (external and internal) High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) 13 class filters installed at the entrance and inside it. First, we fill out the LAC of the atmospheric air and close it. After that, we purify the air inside the LAC by the internal filter. The number concentration of particle sizes above 15 nm decreases down to 50 particles per cm3. However, after a while, we observe increasing the particle number concentration by more than two orders of magnitude. We suppose that new formed particles due to gas-to-particle conversion were detected. We again purify the air inside the LAC by the internal filter. The particle number concentration decreased down to 10-20 particles per cm3 and remained at this low value for more than 300 hours. Our experiments indicate the necessity to use the two-stage procedure for cleaning working areas, with a time gap enabling gaseous precursors to form new particles, removable by HEPA 13 filter. Regularities of the growth of the newly formed particles from 15 nm size to cloud condensation nuclei characteristic size under controlled conditions were investigated. The observed regularities could contribute to understanding the atmospheric aerosol formation process responsible for cloudiness and precipitations.


Aerosol evolution; New particle formation; Big Aerosol Chamber


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How to Cite

Dubtsov, S., Ivanov, V., Ozols, O., Paley, A., Pisanko, Y., Romanov, N., Sachibgareev, D., & Vasilyeva, M. (2024). A Formation of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles Due to Gas-to-Particle Conversion in Dark Conditions and the Particles’ Evolution in Large (3200 m3) Isolated Volume. Journal of Atmospheric Science Research, 7(4), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.30564/jasr.v7i4.6738


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