Feasibility Study on Use of Plastic Waste as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mixes
Plastic is used in many forms in day-to-day life. Since Plastic is non-biodegradable, landfills do not provide an environment friendly solution. Hence, there is strong need to utilize waste plastic. This creates a large quantity of garbage every day which is unhealthy and pollutes the environment. In present scenario solid waste management is a challenge in our country. The production of solid waste is increasing day to day and causes serious concerns to the environment. In this study, the recycled plastics are used in the concrete as a partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanical properties of concrete such as workability, compressive, flexural and split tensile strengths of concrete mixes with partial replacement of conventional fine aggregate with aggregate produced from plastic waste. The use of plastic aggregate as replacement for fine aggregate enhances workability and fresh bulk density of concrete mixes. The mechanical properties of concrete such as compressive, flexural, and tensile strengths of concrete reduced marginally up to 10% replacement levels.
Plastic waste; Concrete; Mechanical propertiesReferences
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