Physio-Chemical Characteristics and Acid-Sulphate Reactions of Moringa Oleifera Seed Powder Cement Paste and Concrete
The evaluation of the effect of using moringa oleifera seed powder (MOSP) to partially replace cement by wt. % has been carried out. A mix parameter of 1: 1.7: 2.5, with designed strength of 20 kN-m2 , and a cement content of 420 kg-m3 , water-cementitious ratio of 0.5, to produce concrete specimens to which percentages of MOSP by wt. % of cement were added and cured for 90 days. Basic characteristics of the MOSP material were determined (Consistency and Setting times), and the concrete parameters workability, density, water absorption and compressive strength were also determined. The analysis of the experimental data collected on MOSP and MOSP-concrete confirmed that MOSP is substantially silicate (Quartz and Cristobalite). These have greatly to a large extent imparted on the quality of MOSP-concrete produced good quality concrete. The optimum replacement was at 0.2 % wt. % of cement.Keywords:
Moringa oleifera seed powder; X-ray diffraction analysis; Mechanical strengths; Acid-sulphate media; MicrostructureReferences
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