Influence of Pre-Saturation of Gravel on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete
In this study, the laboratory tests on the influence of pre-saturation of gravel on the mechanical properties of concrete were carried out. The study accessed the specific gravity, water absorption capacity, the impact and the crushing values of the coarse aggregates. Also, this study determined and compared the compressive strengths of concrete produced with the presaturated gravel and the dry natural gravel. The results of the compressive strength comparisons have revealed that about 10.8%, 5.6%, 9.4%, and 28.4% reductions in compressive strengths when the samples prepared with pre-saturated and natural aggregates were crushed at 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, and 28 days curing periods respectively. Thus, pre-saturation of aggregate has a negative impact on the strength of the concrete. This study recommends that the pre-saturated aggregate be avoided/treated as much as possible in concrete production because it has a negative impact on the compressive strength of the concrete. That is, it reduces the compressive strength at different curing periods.Keywords:
Natural aggregate; Pre-saturated aggregate; Compressive strength; Mechanical propertiesReferences
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