Thermal Analysis of Concrete Mixtures with Recycled EPS Aggregates
Reusing recycled waste materials in buildings is gaining more and more attention for what it offers economic, environmental, and energy benefits; and many researchers are nowadays working on producing new sustainable construction materials incorporating recycled wastes. In this scope, this work uses an experimental approach aiming at understanding the effect of incorporating Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) beads in concrete and proposing thermally improved concrete mixtures for the production of hollow blocks in Lebanese constructions by substituting fine aggregates with recycled products such as EPS in order to promote their insulating properties. Three different diameters of EPS beads (2 mm ~ 3 mm, 3 mm ~ 4 mm and 4 mm ~ 5 mm) are studied with different volumetric ratios (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%) in order to investigate the effect of EPS on the thermal properties of concrete. The results showed that the only the percentage of incorporated EPS beads impacted the thermal performance of the concrete mixtures while the EPS diameters have a negligible effect on the thermal properties of the concrete samples.
Concrete mixtures; Hollow blocks EPS beads; Thermal properties; Thermal insulation; Recycled wastesReferences
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Copyright © 2023 Aisha Ayoubi, Emilio Sassine, Joseph Dgheim, Joelle Al Fakhoury, Yassine Cherif, Emmanuel Antczak

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