Steatite/Epoxy Composites for Restoration Works Through a Statistical Mixture Design Methodology


  • Robinson Antonio Aparecido Alves

    Centre for Innovation and Technology in Composite Materials (CITeC), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fed-eral University of São João del Rei (UFSJ), 36307352, Brazil

  • Julio Cesar dos Santos

    Centre for Innovation and Technology in Composite Materials (CITeC), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fed-eral University of São João del Rei (UFSJ), 36307352, Brazil

  • Kurt Strecker

    Centre for Innovation and Technology in Composite Materials (CITeC), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fed-eral University of São João del Rei (UFSJ), 36307352, Brazil

  • Tulio Hallak Panzera

    Centre for Innovation and Technology in Composite Materials (CITeC), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fed-eral University of São João del Rei (UFSJ), 36307352, Brazil

  • Robson Bruno Dutra Pereira

    Centre for Innovation and Technology in Composite Materials (CITeC), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fed-eral University of São João del Rei (UFSJ), 36307352, Brazil



Currently many works of art made of soapstone and recognized as cultural patrimony of humanity are in an advanced stage of degradation. Hence, it is necessary to interrupt this process and recover the deteriorated parts. Composite materials consisted of steatite particles and epoxy polymer are designed and characterised for their application in the repair of sculptures made of soapstone. The material applied in restorations should provide coloration and texture similar to soapstone besides structural requirements. The degree of similarity of the artificial material to the rock is enhanced by the proper selection of the particle size range and the increase of steatite incorporation in the composites. A statistical methodology based on the mixture design is used to optimize the relative amount of three particle size fractions of steatite particles in order to maximise the proportion of the dispersed phase in the composites. The maximum particle packing density (1.50 g/cm³) is obtained for a ternary mixture, composed of 62% of coarse particles (1.18 mm - 0.60 mm), 6% of medium sized particles (0.60 mm - 0.30 mm) and 32% of fine particles (0.30 mm - 0.15 mm). In this manner, the fabrication of composites based on an epoxy polymer matrix with 70wt% of incorporated steatite particles has been possible, increasing the maximum amount by 10% as used in previous works.


Planning of experiments; Composites; Restoration; Steatite


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How to Cite

Alves, R. A. A., dos Santos, J. C., Strecker, K., Panzera, T. H., & Pereira, R. B. D. (2019). Steatite/Epoxy Composites for Restoration Works Through a Statistical Mixture Design Methodology. Journal of Building Material Science, 1(1), 1–9.


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