A Effects of Fiber Types on UHPC Mechanical Properties after High-Temperature Heating and Cooling Method
The ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is an advanced material that stands out for its remarkable mechanical properties and durability, characterized by an exceptionally high compressive strength. When compared to traditional concrete, UHPC presents itself as a more eco-friendly option with significant potential to enhance the sustainability of infrastructure. This study unveils the mechanical behavior of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPC) subject to various thermal conditions, incorporating a range of fiber types, both industrial and recycled, in a comprehensive assessment. Furthering the investigation into the influence of high temperatures on UHPC, the research incorporates not only industrially manufactured fibers but also a variety of recycled fibers in the concrete mix, subjecting the samples to intense heating and subsequent cooling regimes. Once the thermal shock is administered, the compressive strength, tensile strength in bending, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and sorptivity of the concrete samples are examined in detail. The findings of this study reveal that the fire resistance of UHPC reinforced with recycled fibers is comparable to that of UHPC reinforced with industrially manufactured fibers. Interestingly, a discernible relationship was observed between the ultrasonic pulse velocity of the samples and their post-temperature strength, suggesting a potential link between these two characteristics.
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