Experimental Study on the Compressive and Flexural Properties of the Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete Containing Fibers
Ultrahigh-performance concrete (UHPC) is a groundbreaking kind of concrete that distinguishes itself from conventional concrete through its unique material properties. Understanding and managing the time-dependent characteristics of these materials is essential for their effective use in various construction applications. This study presents an experimental evaluation of the compressive and bending properties of the UHPC incorporating polypropylene, steel, and glass fibers. Based on ACI-211 guidelines, the UHPC mix was designed by using three types of aggregates: limestone, andesite, and quartzite, along with 5% fiber content (at varying percentages of 0, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) relative to the cementitious materials, and three different water-to-cement (w/c) ratios (0.24, 0.3, and 0.4) were used. In this research, the compressive and flexural strength tests were conducted. The results show that increasing the values of the fibers significantly enhances the compressive strength of the studied samples. Furthermore, the utilization of fibers markedly improves the bending strength of the samples, demonstrating a strong correlation with the yield resistance of the material. Also, findings show that using steel fibers increases the compressive and bending strength of the tested samples more than polypropylene and glass fibers. For instance, in UHPC samples with 0.4 w/c, the average compressive strength values are 82.2 MPa, 70.3 MPa, and 67.1 MPa for steel, polypropylene, and glass fibers, respectively. Also, in the flexural strength test, the modulus of rupture is obtained as an average of 6.24 MPa, 5.24 MPa and 4.83 MPa for UHPC samples with steel, polypropylene and glass fibers, respectively.
Experimental Study; Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete (UHPC); Polypropylene Fiber; Steel Fiber; Glass Fiber; Compressive Strength; Flexural StrengthReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Mohammad Yousef Nejati, Manuchehr Behruyan, Amirreza Sadeghi, Kourosh Mehdizadeh, Abbasali Sadeghi

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