Numerical Study of the Behavior of Steel Frame with Concentric Buckling Restrained and Conventional Braces
In this paper, a method is proposed to provide a simple model of buckling restrained braces. After introducing the elements, taking into account all parts of buckling restrained braces, a sample of this type of braces is modeled in finite element Abaqus software. After confirming the numerical model using the available laboratory results, which is carried out by static nonlinear analysis, moment frame model with chevron bracing is compared with moment frame with chevron buckling-restrained bracing. In this study, the behavior of buckling restrained braces as a hysteretic damper was investigated and a good performance was observed in energy absorption compared to conventional bracing.
Buckling restrained braces; Concentric conventional braces; Plasticization; Static nonlinear analysisReferences
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