Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of MoO3-Fe3O4 Nanocomposite Material
In the present investigation a series of MoO3-Fe3O4 nanocomposite material such as MoO3, Fe3O4, Beta cyclodextrin (b-CD) doped MoO3-Fe3O4 and Graphite doped MoO3-Fe3O4 have been synthesized successfully by co-precipitation method. Synthesized nanomaterials were characterized in detail by XRD, FT-IR, TEM-HRTEM, UV-Vis DRS techniques. The crystalline size was in the range of 10±2 nm. The activity of the prepared material as a heterogeneous catalyst was successfully tested on the organic reaction of synthesis of substituted m-Chloro-Nitrobenzene and it was found to give excellent yield.
β-cyclodextrin; Magnetic nanocomposite; Heterogeneous catalyst; Acid-Catalyzed; Organic reactionsReferences
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Copyright © 2019 Madhukar Eknath Navgire, Akash Nagare, Ganesh Kale, Sandesh Bhitre

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