Metal Swarf and Cutting Fluid Waste Management in Metal Processing Industry
Metal swarf is unavoidable material in metal processing industry, also metal swarf treatment lead to cost savings by metal waste reduction and removing the cutting fluid waste, that cause to increasing process stability and metal value. It is interested that in how to recycle metal swarf especially when swarf surrounded by cutting fluid, is considered because these waste are classified as hazardous waste. The aim of the study is to increase the process efficiency and environmental performance by metal waste reduction at source which are the first step of the waste hierarchy. The results of the experiments showed that 3391 tons of metal swarf coated with cutting fluids which contained 2.29% cutting fluid be produced annually. It has been found that if the total amount of cutting fluid on the swarf surface be reduced to less than 1% leads to a significant mass reduction in the amount of hazardous waste. In this research, it was considered, 107,922 USD profit at the end of first year and 205,278 USD at the end of second year would be obtained by reducing the cutting fluid content from 2.29% to 0.8% with using cutting fluid that surrounded metal swarf separation equipment in manufacturing location.
Metal swarf; Cutting fluid waste; Cost saving; Waste hierarchy; Mass reduction; Hazardous wasteReferences
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Copyright © 2019 Nezih Kamil SALİHOĞLU, Zeinab AMIN, Çagla Celikli

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