Bulk Raw Materials Handling and Blending Techniques of Sinter Plant: A Case Study of Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited, Kogi State, Nigeria
Bulk raw materials handling plant and sintering plant preparatory plants are established to receive, blend, stockpile, prepare and supply specified grades of raw materials for smooth operations of iron making plant (Blast furnace), steel making plant (Basic oxygen converter) and lime Plant(calcinations plant). The study discusses bulk raw materials handling and some general problem of scientific analysis and documentation of basic equipment details, stockyard facilities, bulk materials transport systems and sinter processes, for the general knowledge and operational procedures of these plant for effective and efficient operational processes for optical results. Iron ore concentrate supplied from the mines to some extent fluctuate in their chemical composition as a result of the nature of the deposit with various factors controlling beneficiation processes and addition of metal-bearing materials collected as a waste product from the Rolling Mills, Blast Furnace and Sinter Plant which must be recycled through Iron ore concentrate stockyard. The part of the sinter mixture is melted at a temperature about 1300-1480 ° C and a sequence of reactions shaping the sinter cake to be loaded into the blast furnace to produce iron from a pig.Keywords:
Blast furnace; Iron concentrate; Sinter Plant; Stockpile; Stockyard facilitiesReferences
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