The influence of deposition modes on the phase-structural state, corrosion resistance, and adhesive strength of vacuum-arc multi-period NbN/Cu coatings is studied. It was found that in thin layers (about 8 nm, in a constant rotation mode), regardless of the change in the pressure of the nitrogen atmosphere, a metastable δ - NbN phase forms (cubic... More
Magnesium (Mg) alloy is the lightest metal material found because of its excellent physical and mechanical properties, specific strength, biocompatibility and biomechanical compatibility, therefore, it has very promising development prospects in aerospace, automobile manufacturing, and biodegradable materials. However, due to the... More
According to LNƐ, theoretical & true elongation of tensile, and by adopting the increasing function of formulas with the derivation and analogy methods, the elongation formula of 0<(1+ε)1/ε<e & 0<ε1/ε<1& four convergences are deduced too when ε >1 and 0<ε<1.The inequalities of LNε <ε and LN(1+ε)<ε and LN(1+ε)> LNε are deduced if ε>1 and 0<ε<1... More
This paper covers the role of anisotropy, temperature, and strain rate on the flow behavior of the material when a conical die is used instead of conventional blank holder. The effect of anisotropy was investigated using Lankford’s coefficient (r) in three directions (0°, 45°, and 90°). The effect of working temperatures (Room temperature, 100°C... More