The Influence of Friction Time on the Joint Interface and Mechanical Properties in Dissimilar Friction Welds
The welding of dissimilar materials is one of the challenging issues in thefabrication industry to obtain required quality welds using fusion weldingmethods. However, some processes recently improved interface bondingwith low joint strength. Unfortunately, the major intermetallic compoundscould not alleviate from the joint interface. Alternatively, solid-statewelding methods revealed fewer intermetallics at the joint interface fordissimilar material welds. Among them, friction welding was chosen to joinincompatible materials with the necessary properties successfully. Frictiontime is a critical parameter for obtaining strong welds through frictionwelding, apart from friction pressure, forging pressure, forging time, androtational speed. Variability of friction time can change the strength offriction by changing mechanical properties such as tensile strength. Thischange of tensile strength is typically influenced by the intermixing region,dependent on friction time. In this experiment, carbon steel and stainlesssteel have been friction welded to test the impact of friction time on thejoint interface where the substrate’s faying surface meets. This interfaceconsists of the intermixing region of the two materials on which the frictionwelding is performed. The results showed an interesting variation in tensilestrength, with varying friction time. The width of the intermixing zoneincreased gradually with friction time until and decreased with the furtherincreasing. The strength of the welds obtained was the highest of 730 MPaat a friction time of 4 s and fell as friction time’s increased value after 4 s.Keywords:
Friction welding; Microstructure; Dissimilar materials; Stainless steel; Mechanical propertiesReferences
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