Research Progress of Superhydrophobic Polymer Composite Coatings for os Magnesium Alloys
Magnesium (Mg) alloy is the lightest metal material found because of its excellent physical and mechanical properties, specific strength, biocompatibility and biomechanical compatibility, therefore, it has very promising development prospects in aerospace, automobile manufacturing, and biodegradable materials. However, due to the relatively chemical properties of magnesium alloys, poor corrosion resistance, fast degradation rate, and poor wear resistance, they have been greatly restricted in practical applications. Therefore, anti-corrosion measures of magnesium alloys are particularly important. The manufacture of hydrophobic surfaces is a very effective method of anti-corrosion. The surface of super-hydrophobic polymer composites (i.e., thin coatings) is constructed on the surface of magnesium alloy materials to enhance their corrosion resistance and wear resistance, and the effect of its antiseptic measures is very impressive.
Superhydrophobic; Polymer; NanoparticleReferences
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