Orange Peel Extract Mediated Silver Nanofluid as Corrosion Inhibitor for X80 Steel in Simulated Oilfield Scale Dissolver
Silver nanofluid was prepared by bio-reduction reaction between orange peels extracts (OPE) and silver nitrate and characterized by spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. Colloidal nanoparticles of sizes between 40 – 50 nm and spherical shape were obtained. The nanofluid was applied as anticorrosion additive to inhibit corrosion of X80 steel in simulated oilfield scale dissolver solution (1.0 M HCl) at various temperatures. The nanofluid (OPE-AgNPs) was 98.9 % and 84.3 % efficient at 30 ºC and 60 oC respectively as determined by weight loss measurement. In comparison with OPE, OPE-AgNPs shows better corrosion inhibition and higher resistance to thermal degradation. Some kinetic and thermodynamic models were used to characterize the inhibition process. OPE-AgNPs could be optimized and used as alternative anticorrosion additive for scale dissolution liquor in the industry.
Adsorption; Corrosion inhibitor; Orange peels extract; Silver nanoparticles; Electron microscopyReferences
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