A Constitutive Modeling and Experimental Effect of Shock Wave on the Microstructural Sub-strengthening of Granular Copper
Micro-sized copper powder (99.95%; O≤0.3) has been shock-processed with explosives of high detonation velocities of the order of 7.5km/s to observe the structural and microstructural sub-strengthening. Axisymmetric shock-consolidation technique has been used to obtain conglomerates of granular Cu. The technique involves the cylindrical compaction system wherein the explosive-charge is in direct proximity with the powder whereas the other uses indirect shock pressure with die-plunger geometry. Numeric simulations have been performed on with Eulerian code dynamics. The simulated results show a good agreement with the experimental observation of detonation parameters like detonation velocity, pressure, particle velocity and shock pressure in the reactive media. A pin contactor method has been utilized to calculate the detonation pressure experimentally. Wide angled x-ray diffraction studies reveal that the crystalline structure (FCC) of the shocked specimen matches with the un-shocked specimen. Field emissive scanning electron microscopic examination of the compacted specimens show a good sub-structural strengthening and complement the theoretical considerations. Laser diffraction based particle size analyzer also points towards the reduced particle size of the shock-processed specimen under high detonation velocities. Micro-hardness tests conducted under variable loads of 0.1kg, 0.05kg and 0.025kg force with diamond indenter optical micrographs indicate a high order of micro-hardness of the order of 159Hv. Nitrogen pycnometry used for the density measurement of the compacts shows that a compacted density of the order of 99.3% theoretical mean density has been achieved.
Shock waves; Wide angle x-ray diffraction; Microstructure; FE-SEM; Laser diffraction; MicrohardnessReferences
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