Developing Magnetic Material for Remediation of Aquatic Nitrogen Pollution in Water Facilities
Natural organic matter affect water environmental security and posed a potential threat to human health, and thus it has long been considered as a key index to evaluate water treatment performance. Dissolved organic nitrogen is one of the NOM, which produces some disinfection byproducts having more toxic than those carbon-based materials. Coagulation is a key unit of drinking water purification and has received wide attention. However, conventional flocculation technology on removal of DON is so poor that we have to seek more effective improving measurement. The combined use of conventional flocculant and organic polymer can improve treatment efficiency to a certain extent, and enhanced coagulation can also improve the DON removal rate, but their DON removal performance is still not dreamful. At present, there is a lack of systematic research on flocculation to remove DON. Although some achievements have been made, there is still a big gap between the preparation technology of flocculant and the goal of efficient removal of DON in water.For treatment of secondary effluent of industrial wastewater, some studies show that the use of Fe3O4 mainly has the effect of accelerating separation, but the adsorption effect is not good. However, with the synergistic flocculation of amino functionalized Fe3O4 it has a good effect on removing water protein, polysaccharide and humic acid, which can meet the water quality discharge standard and reduce the dosage of flocculant. The above results show that functional nanoparticle materials are of great significance to improve the adsorption and flocculation performance. Therefore, the functional modification of magnetic nanoparticles plays an important role.
Magnetic Material; Remediation; Aquatic Nitrogen PollutionReferences
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