Interpretation of Water Samples by Correspondence Analysis for Radioactive Elements in the Northern Coast of Oman Sea
Oman Sea is connecting belt between the Indian Ocean and PersianGulf. Because it strategic and environmental aim, presence of naturalradionuclide 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs as man-made element is considered.Water samples were taken from 36 marine spots at the coastal strip fromHormoz canyon to Goatr seaport in the northern coast of Oman Sea.Correspondence analysis is used to identify variation and relationshipbetween samples (Q-mood analysis) and variable (R-mood analysis) basedon approximate χ2 distances. Radioactive elements (226Ra, 232Th and 40K),physical (temperature, pH, turbidity, conductivity, special density) andchemical (salinity, oxygen and chlorophyll) parameters of water for 36samples handled by correspondence analysis, there are two outstandingresult, 1) Radioactive elements show high correlation in factors by greatereigenvalue, and 2) some of the samples such as W13, W24 and rather W02,W05 and W12 show highest activity from Radioactive elements and alsotemperature and conductivity show nearest relation with them in manyfactors.Keywords:
Hormoz canyon; R-mood analysis; Correspondence analysis; Radioactive elements; Marine spot samplesReferences
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