Behaviour of Friction Stir Dissimilar Welded Blanks and The Role of Different Tool PIN Profiles
In this study, the forming behaviour of dissimilar welded blanks was studied. Welded blanks were prepared with friction stir welding processwith different types of tool pin profiles. Welded blanks were developed with fixedfriction stir welding process parameters by varying the tool pin profiles. The forming behaviour of welded blanks were analyzed with the limiting dome height test in biaxial stretch forming condition.The results reveal that the formability of welded joints are made with the square pin tool exhibited a better formabilitybehaviour when compared with other profiled tools, this is due to sufficient amount heat generation and high static volume to dynamic volume ratio.
Aluminium alloys; Welded blanks; Friction stir welding; Tool pin profiles; Limiting dome height testReferences
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