Analysis in Results Production Mode of Chinese Media Type Think-Tank
Purpose / Significance: Through the analysis in the results production mode of the Chinese media type think-tank based on the media operation structure and communication platform, found there are structure and cooperation problems of spread and research line, team cooperation and transformation problem of research and spread, research production and media production positioning problem, and spread channel widening problem, this paper tries to provide a useful suggestions for the current traditional media transformation encourage the media type think tank go abroad, raise the international influence, personalize the products, make it into Boutique, become a brand and the development strategy of the new think-tank with Chinese characteristics. Methods / Processes: analysis the results production model of media-based think tank from four aspects: category, characteristics, existing problems and development trend. Results / conclusion: the achievements of Chinese media-based think tanks will follow a new development trend through the establish of cooperative innovation system, achievements make and press system of “all media tendency”, market-oriented transformation theory, brand strategy, and exerting international influenceKeywords:
Think tank; Media think-tank achievements; Production modelReferences
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