Sustainable business model innovation (SBMI) introduced a unique frontier in current business operations and innovation management. Despite the numerous advantages of SBMI to contemporary business strategy, most established firms face challenges in its successful implementation. Through a systematic review process (SRP), the paper attempted to critically evaluate and analyze the previous outcome on the barriers... More
Despite a wealth of literature on the different facets of the EIA, and copious theoretical knowledge and practical experience, the general agreement is eluding definitions of EIA effectiveness, quality, and good practices. There are apprehensions about EIA meeting its basic objectives while project proponents continue to treat EIA as an impediment to development. Governments tend... More
This study majorly examined the effect of automated cheque clearing system on banks. Specifically, this study examined the effect of automated cheque clearing system on total deposits of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Data were extracted from the CBN Statistical Bulletin (2020). Using the ordinary least square method of analysis via E-views 10, the findings... More
This study looked at the impact of the Nigerian stamp duty tax on the growth of the economy. Time series data were employed spanning the years 1999-2020. For various years, related data were extracted from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin, the Bureau of National Statistics, and Federal Inland Revenue Service reports. E-view 9.0... More
A growing consumer price is creating instability in the macroeconomic environment and hinders the consumption level of especially the poor society. This paper then explored the major causes of such increasing consumer prices using Ethiopian cases. Using data from the National Bank of Ethiopia from 1982/1983 to 2019/2020, it condensed the information of monetary sector,... More