Security is a value contained in most theories of personal values. Yet, while the relations among the most basic values are clear and reliable, the role of security in the system of values remains ambiguous. People striving for security are often also striving for tradition and conformity but sometimes they are focusing more on other... More
This study examines the relationship between Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors and stock prices as well as investment performance. ESG factors have become increasingly relevant in investment decisions as investors prioritize companies with sustainable practices. Using a sample of publicly-traded companies, this research analyzes the impact of ESG factors on stock prices and investment... More
The VIKOR (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) method, which is a multi-criteria decision-making method, is examined in this paper. The VIKOR method, like other MCDM techniques such as the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), is widely used to solve complex decision-making problems in various fields such as engineering, management,... More
Entrepreneurship is one of the popular choices for students after graduation from higher education. The study focuses on proposing a model to identify the factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention of students at Tan Trao University by researching some typical models in the world. By quantitative research methods based on a survey of 391 students, the... More
Intercropping involves the cultivation of more than one crop on a plot of land at a particular time. Tea intercropping with other crops can increase the profitability of farmers and the development of tea plants. The study estimated the profitability level of intercropped tea farms and determined the factors affecting the profitability of tea intercropping... More