On the web it is very frequently found that good papers are published only in “Peer Reviewed Trusted Journals (PRTJ)”, while low quality papers are published in the “Predatory Publishing Journals”. Here we show that this is not true, because the quality of papers depends on the quality of the authors in the same manner... More
Abstract: A SWOT analysis is the method to evaluate the internal weaknesses and strengths of an organization as well as evaluating the threats and opportunities of its external environment. This is considered as an effective framework to plan and manage the organizational resources to achieve certain goals in a specific period of time. The purpose of... More
Population is a phenomenon ever changing more positively rather than the vice versa. It is more increasing in Asian countries. The increase of population in Asia is not compatible with the geographical size and capacity of the countries concerned. Through the process of urbanization, and in the form of migration, a large number of... More
Abstract: A landmark in the realization of UNESCO’s Sustainability Goals, Education for All (SDG4), was passed when the organization’s Recommendation of Open Educational Resources (OER) was uniformly adopted in 2019. Now it is time to transfer from the consciousness of OER to their mainstream realization at all levels, micro, meso, and macro, including all stakeholders, such... More
In the exchanges between different countries, apart from enhancing political mutual trust and strengthening pragmatic cooperation, it is of great importance to forging humanistic exchange. With a long history of exchanges between China and all the countries in South-east Asia, the humanistic exchange between China and South-east Asia has been continuing since the founding of... More
In today’s society where the economy is developing rapidly and the process of urbanization is accelerating, the traffic in major cities in China is facing tremendous pressure. The economy of Beijing has developed rapidly, its population is dense, the living standard of people has improved significantly, and the number of cars has increased dramatically. From... More