Abstract: This study examined the role of the legislators and budget process in Nigeria. For the objective of the study to be achieved, the study embraces the library research which involves a review of extant literature and this forms the basis for drawing up the conclusion. Flowing from the review, the study shows that argument has... More
Over the globe, we are moving to industrialization, which expands business creation, innovation, and different business exercises. This also expands human comfort, yet in addition, builds its way of life. In any case, on the opposite side, it likewise increments environmental danger that came about biological dangers to person. This article highlights the importance... More
This study examined the effect of employee orientation and employee performance. Survey research design was employed. A sampled of three selected commercial banks in Enugu State, Nigeria. Data for the study were collected through questionnaire administered to the respondents. Using regression analysis, the result shows that employee orientation has a positive significant effect on employee... More
This study ascertained the effect of corporate governance compositions on timeliness of financial reporting in deposit money banks in Nigeria. Ex Post Facto research design was employed for this study. Purposive sampling was used to select eight (8) deposit money banks in Nigeria with international authorization. Data were extracted from annual reports and accounts... More
This research aims to explore the major determinants of work-life balance (WLB) for university student workers in Lebanon. The proposed relationships consist of causality between each of the variables of working hours, proximity to employment, proximity to university, workload, study leave, leaving early, work from home, study at work, and flexible working hours on... More