Quality of Papers Stems from Authors and Quality of Teaching Stems from Professors
On the web it is very frequently found that good papers are published only in “Peer Reviewed Trusted Journals (PRTJ)”, while low quality papers are published in the “Predatory Publishing Journals”. Here we show that this is not true, because the quality of papers depends on the quality of the authors in the same manner that quality of teaching depends on the quality of professors. Since generally the authors are professors it is important to see the two sides of the “publishing medal”: authors and professors. We will use the SPQR Principle [«Semper Paratus ad Qualitatem et Rationem (Always Ready for Quality and Rationality)»] as the way to analyse papers, books and teaching; it seems that very few people have taken care of Quality of Methods (Deming, Juran, Gell-Mann, Shewhart, Einstein, Galilei). The cases analysed here are from PRT Journals and teaching documents.
SPQR; Quality of methods; Design of experiments; Quality education; Peer review; Open access; Non-open access; Methods for quality; Rational manager; Quality tetralogy; Intellectual honestyReferences
[1] https://scienceblogs.com/../2012/../nice-try-science-publishing-group
[2] https://www.sabhlokcity.com/./more-on-the-science-publishing-group
[3] Deming W. E., 1986, Out of the Crisis, Cambridge University Press.
[4] Deming W. E., 1997, The new economics for industry, government, education, Cambridge University Press.
[5] Juran, J., 1988, Quality Control Handbook, 4th ed, McGraw-Hill, New York.
[6] M. Gell-Mann., 1994, The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex, W. Freeman and Company, N. Y.
[7] Shewhart W. A., 1931, Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Products, D. Van Nostrand Company.
[8] Shewhart W. A., 1936, Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control, Graduate School, Washington.
[9] Montgomery D. C., 1996, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Wiley & Sons (wrong definition of the term "Quality", and many other drawbacks in wrong applications).
[10] Montgomery D. C., 2009, 6th edition, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Wiley & Sons (wrong).
[11] Montgomery D. C., 2011, 5th edition, Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers, Wiley & Sons.
[12] Montgomery D. C., 2013, 8th edition, Design and Analysis of Experiments, Wiley & Sons.
[13] Montgomery D. C., editions after 2009 are worse, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Wiley & Sons (wrong definition of the term "Quality", and many other drawbacks in wrong applications).
[14] Cascini E., Sei Sigma per docenti in 14 capitoli, RCE Multimedia 2009.
[15] Arcidiacono G., et al. Governare i processi per governare l'impresa - Lean Six Sigma, Springer 2014.
[16] Citti P., La metodologia sei sigma nei servizi, Firenze University Press 2006.
[17] Pyzdek T., The Six Sigma Handbook A Complete Guide For Green Belts, Black Belts, And Managers At All Levels, McGraw-Hill 2003.
[18] Munro R., et al., The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook, American Society for Quality 2015.
[19] Pande P., et al., The Six Sigma Way_How GE, Motorola, and Other Top Companies are Honing their performance, McGraw-Hill.
[20] Brue G., Six Sigma for Managers, McGraw-Hill 2005.
[21] Eckes G., Six Sigma for Everyone- (2003) Managers, Wiley 2003.
[22] Craig G. et al., Six Sigma for Dummies, Wiley 2012.
[23] Allen T., Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Six Sigma, Springer 2006.
[24] PARK S. (1996), Robust Design and Analysis for Quality Engineering, Chapman & Hall, London.
[25] F. Kutsanedzie, S. Achio, E. Ameko, Basic concepts and applications of experimental design, Science Publishing Group 2015, ISBN:978-1-940366-500.
[26] Taguchi G., "Product quality evaluation and tolerancing", 30th EOQC Conference, Stockholm 1986.
[27] Taguchi G., System of Experimental Design, vol.1, ASI (American Supplier Institute) and Unipub Kraus International Publications.
[28] Taguchi G., System of Experimental Design, vol.2, ASI and Unipub Kraus International Publications.
[29] Taguchi G., Introduction to quality engineering, Asian Productivity Organization, 1988.
[30] Taguchi G., Yu-In Wu, Introduction to off-line quality control, Central Japan Quality Control Association, 1979.
[31] Taguchi S., Byrne D., 1986 The Taguchi Approach to Parameter Design, Best Technical Paper (!?), American Society for Quality Control.
[32] F. Franceschini, M. Galetto, D. Maisano, L. Mastrogiacomo, B. Pralio, Distributed Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology, New Insights, Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011.
[33] Franceschini F, Maisano D, Mastrogiacomo L, Pralio B (2010) Ultrasound transducers for largescale metrology: a performance analysis for their use by the MScMS. IEEE Trans Instrum Meas, 59(1), 110-121.
[34] F. Galetto, Nuovi sviluppi nel calcolo dei parametri affidabilistici dei sistemi, LXXIII Riunione annuale AEI, Torino, 1972.
[35] F. Galetto, Numero dei guasti di un sistema e determinazione di un modello reale atto a rappresentarlo, VIII congr. AICQ, Napoli, 1973.
[36] F. Galetto, Integrazione Numerica di Equazioni Integrali di Volterra, Facoltà di Matematica, Bologna, 1973.
[37] F. Galetto, Pitfalls of Bayes Methods, Internat. conf. on Reliability/ Diagnostics, Torino, 1986 .
[38] F. Galetto, CLARA (Cost and Life Appraisal via Reliability Analysis), 30th EOQC Conference, Stoccolma, 1986.
[39] F. Galetto, SARA (System Availability and Reliability Analysis), Annual Reliability Symposium, Philadelphia, 1977.
[40] F. Galetto, CLAUDIA (Cost and Life Analysis via Up and Down time Integral Approach), XXI EOQC Conf., Varna, 1977.
[41] GALETTO F. (1978), An application of experimental design in the Automotive field, SIA Congress.
[42] F. Galetto, NORA (a New Outlook on Reliability of Automobiles), XXIII EOQC Conf., Budapest, 1979.
[43] F. Galetto, New results in reliability analysis, 2 nd Int. Conf. on Reliability/ Maintainab., Perros- Guirec, 1980.
[44] F. Galetto, (1984) Assessment of Product Reliability, World Quality Congress '84, Brighton.
[45] F. Galetto, (1986) Quality/Reliability: How to get results, EOQC (Automotive Section), Madrid.
[46] F. Galetto, Are Bayes Methods really better ?, IASTED Int. Conf. on Quality/ Reliability, Paris, 1987.
[47] F. Galetto, (1987) Quality and Reliability, the Iveco way, Mgt Dev. Review by MCE, Brussels.
[48] F. Galetto, (1988) Quality and reliability. A must for industry, ISATA, Montecarlo.
[49] F. Galetto, Comment on: 'New Practical Bayes Estimators for the 2-parameters Weibull distribution, IEEE Transactions on Reliability vol.37, 1988.
[50] F. Galetto, (1989) Quality of methods for quality is important, EOQC Conference, Vienna.
[51] F. Galetto, (1990) Basic and managerial concerns on Taguchi Methods, ISATA, Florence.
[52] F. Galetto, Qualità. Alcuni metodi statistici da Manager, CUSL, 1995.
[53] F. Galetto, Quality: Management Commitment is not enough, ISATA, Vienna, 1990.
[54] GALETTO F., LEVI R. (1993) Planned Experiments: key factors for product Quality, 3rd AMST 93, Udine.
[55] F. Galetto, (1993) DOE. Importanti idee sulla Qualità per i manager, DEINDE, Torino.
[56] F. Galetto, (1993) Which kind of Quality? Of products, of processes, of Management? 1st AITEM, Ancona.
[57] Galetto, F., Managerial Issues for Design of Experiments, 4th AMST 96, Udine, 1996.
[58] Galetto, F., We need Quality of Managers, Quality 97, 6th Intern. Conf., Ostrava, Czeh Republic, 1997.
[59] Galetto, F., Quality Education on Quality for Future Managers, 1st Conference on TQM for HEI (Higher Education Institutions), Tolone, 1998.
[60] Galetto, F., GIQA the Golden Integral Quality Approach: from Management of Quality to Quality of Management, Total Quality Management (TQM), Vol. 10, No. 1, 1999.
[61] Galetto, F., Quality Education and Total Quality Management, 2nd Conf. on TQM for HEI, Verona, 1999.
[62] Galetto, F., Quality Methods for Design of Experiments, 5th AMST 99, Udine, 1999.
[63] Galetto, F., Quality Function Deployment, Some Managerial Concerns, AITEM99, Brescia, 1999.
[64] GALETTO F., GENTILI E. (1999), The need of Quality Methods used for Quality CAPE '99, Durham, UK.
[65] GALETTO F., GENTILI E. (1999), Quality of the Quality Methods, AITEM 99 Conference, Brescia.
[66] GALETTO F., GENTILI E. (2000), In search of Quality in QFD and Taguchi methods, CAPE.
[67] GALETTO F. (2000) Qualità. Alcuni metodi statistici da Manager, CLUT, Torino.
[68] Galetto, F., Quality Education for Professors teaching Quality to Future Managers, 3rd Conf. on TQM for HEI, Derby, UK, 2000.
[69] Galetto, F., Statistical Thinking, Customer Satisfaction, Qualità del Servizio e Formazione Universitaria, Conv. SIS, Firenze, 2000.
[70] Galetto, F., Quality, Bayes Methods and Control Charts, 2nd ICME 2000 Conference, Capri, 2000.
[71] Galetto, F., Reliability Integral Theory applied to "two machines lines" with failures, 2nd ICME 2000 Conference, Capri, 2000.
[73] Galetto, F., Looking for Quality in "quality books", 4th Conf. on TQM for HEI, Mons, Belgium, 2001.
[74] Galetto, F., Quality and Control Charts: Managerial assessment during Product Development and Production Process, AT&T (Society of Automotive Engineers), Barcelona, 2001.
[75] Galetto, F., Quality QFD and control charts: a managerial assessment during the product development process, Congresso ATA, Firenze, 2001.
[76] Galetto, F., Business excellence Quality and Control Charts, 7th TQM Conf., Verona, 2002.
[77] Galetto, F., Fuzzy Logic and Control Charts, 3rd ICME 2002 Conference, Ischia, 2002.
[78] Galetto, F., Quality education on Quality for future managers, 5th World Congr. on Engineering Education of NOT, Varsavia, 2002.
[79] Galetto, F., Analysis of "new" control charts for Quality assessment, 5th Conf. on TQM for HEI, Lisbon, Portugal, 2002.
[80] Galetto, F., Quality decisions and ISO 9000:2000 Principles, 6th AMST 99, Udine, 2002.
[81] Galetto, F., Quality and “quality magazines”, 6th Conf. on TQM for HEI, Oviedo, Spain, 2003.
[82] Galetto F., G. Pistone, M. P. Rogantin, Confounding revisited with commutative computational algebra, Journal of statistical planning and inference,, 2003.
[83] Galetto, F., "Six Sigma Approach" and Testing, ICEM12-12th Intern. Conf. on Experimental Mechanics, Bari Politecnico, 2004.
[84] Galetto, F., Reliability analysis in product development, AMST 2005, Udine, 2005.
[85] Galetto, F., Statistics for Quality and “quality magazines”, 5th ENBIS, Newcastle, 2005.
[86] Galetto, F., Service Quality: Fuzzy Logic and Yager Method; a scientific analysis, IFIP TC 7, Politecnico di Torino, 2005.
[87] Galetto, F., Quality and “Statistics Packages”, 8th Conf. on TQM for HEI, Palermo, 2005.
[88] Galetto, F., Quality Education and “quality papers”, IPSI 2006, Marbella, 2006.
[89] Galetto, F., Fuzzy Logic and Quality Control: a scientific analysis, IPSI 2006, Amalfi, 2006.
[90] Galetto, F., Quality Education versus "Peer Review", IPSI 2006, Montenegro, 2006.
[91] Galetto, F., Does "Peer Review" assure Quality of papers and Education?, 8th Conf. on TQM for HEI, Paisley, Scotland, 2006.
[92] Galetto, F., Quality Education versus "Peer Review", IPSI 2006, Montenegro, 2006.
[93] Galetto, F., A must: Quality of teaching, IPSI 2006, Portofino, 2006.
[94] Galetto, F., The Pentalogy, VIPSI, Belgrado, 2009.
[95] Galetto, F., The Pentalogy Beyond, 9th Conf. on TQM for HEI, Verona, 2010.
[96] Galetto, F., Six Sigma: help or hoax for Quality?, 11th Conf. on TQM for HEI, Israel, 2012.
[97] Galetto, F., Bibliometrics: Help or Hoax for Quality?, UJER 2(4), DOI: https://doi.org/10.13189/ujer.2014.020404
[98] Galetto, F., Riemann Hypothesis Proved, Academia Arena 6(12):19-22, ISSN 1553-992X.
[99] Galetto, F., Hope for the Future: Overcoming the DEEP Ignorance on the CI (Confidence Intervals) and on the DOE (Design of Experiments, Science J. Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 70-95, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11648/j.sjams.20150303.14
[100] Galetto, F., Management Versus Science: Peer-Reviewers do not Know the Subject They Have to Analyse, Journal of Investment and Management. Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 319-329, https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=179&doi=10.11648/j.jim.20150406.15
[101] Galetto, F., The first step to Science Innovation: Down to the Basics., Science Innovation. Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 81-91, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11648/j.si.20150306.14
[102] Galetto, F., AFFIDABILITÀ vol. 1 Teoria e Metodi di calcolo, CLEUP editore, Padova, 81, 84, 87, 94.
[103] Galetto, F., AFFIDABILITÀ vol. 2 Prove di affidabilità: distribuzione incognita, distribuzione esponenziale, CLEUP editore, Padova, 82, 85, 94.
[104] Galetto, F., Qualità. Alcuni metodi statistici da Manager, CUSL, 1995/7/9.
[105] Galetto, F., Gestione Manageriale della Affidabilità. CLUT, Torino.
[106] Galetto, F., Manutenzione e Affidabilità. CLUT, Torino.
[107] Galetto, F., 2016, Reliability and Maintenance, Scientific Methods, Practical Approach, Vol-1, www. morebooks.de.
[108] Galetto, F., 2016, Reliability and Maintenance, Scientific Methods, Practical Approach, Vol-2, www. morebooks.de.
[109] Galetto, F., 2016, Design Of Experiments and Decisions, Scientific Methods, Practscal Approach, www. morebooks.de.
[110] Galetto, F., 2017, The Six Sigma HOAX versus the versus the Golden Integral Quality Approach LEGACY, https://www.morebooks.de
[111] Galetto, F., 2017, Six Sigma Hoax: The Way Professionals Deceive Science. Nuclear Science. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2017, pp. 59-81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ns.20170203.11
[112] Galetto, F., The SPQR (≪Semper Paratus ad Qualitatem et Rationem≫) Principle in Action. Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2017, pp. 27-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11648/j.eas.20170203.11
[113] iSixSigma, https://www.isixsigma.com
[114] E. Santiago, J. Smith, Control charts based on the Exponential Distribution, Quality Engineering, 25:2, 85-96: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08982112.2012.740646
[115] Kittlitz, R. G. (1999). Transforming the exponential for SPC applications. Journal of Quality Technology, 31, 301-308.
[116] Schilling, E. G., Nelson, P. R. (1976). The effect of non-normality on the control limits of X charts. Journal of Quality Technology, 8, 183-188.
[117] Woodall, W. H. (2006). The use of control charts in health-care and public health surveillance. Journal of Quality Technology, 38, 89-104.
[118] Xie, M., Goh, T. N., Kuralmani, V. (2002). Statistical Models and Control Charts for High-Quality Processes. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publisher.
[119] Xie, M., Goh, T. N., Ranjan, P. (2002). Some effective control chart procedures for reliability monitoring. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 77, 143-150.
[120] Xie, M., (2006). Some Statistical Models for the Monitoring of High-Quality Processes. Boston, chapter 16 in the book Engineering Statistics (Pham Editor): Springer-Verlgag.
[121] Zhang, C. W., Xie, M., Goh, T. N. (2005). Economic design of exponential charts for time between events monitoring. International Journal of Production Research, 43, 5019-5032.
[122] Zhang, C. W., Xie, M., Goh, T. N. (2006). Design of exponential control charts using a sequential sampling scheme. IIE Transactions, 38, 1105-1116.
[123] Zhang, H. Y., Xie, M., Goh, T. N., Shamsuzzaman, M. (2011). Economic design of time-between-events control chart system. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 60(4), 485-492.
[124] Galetto, F., Papers and Documents in the Academia. edu, 2015-2020.
[125] Galetto, F., Several Papers and Documents in the Research Gate Database, 2014 (the cases are in § 8 a.-gg.).
[126] The QEG, Uncertainty evaluation in the prediction of defects and costs for quality inspection planning in low-volume productions, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2020) 108, 3793-3805.
[127] The QEG (M. Galetto et al.), ′Defect Probability Estimation for Hardness-Optimised Parts by Selective Laser Melting, the International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (2020) 21, 1739-1753.
[128] F. Franceschini, Learning curves and p-charts for a preliminary estimation of asymptotic performances of a manufacturing process, Total Quality Management Journal (2002).
[129] The QEG (F. Franceschini et al.) Ordered Samples Control Charts for Ordinal Variables, Quality and Reliability Engineering International (2005).
[130] Yager A new methodology for ordinal multiobjective decision based on fuzzy sets. (1981).
[131] Minitab 19 and Minitab 20, “wrong T Carts”.
[132] An informetric model for the success-index, Scientometrics, 2012.
[133] Birolini, A.: Reliability Engineering – Theory and Practice. Springer, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642- 14951-1
[134] Beretta, S.: Affidabilità delle costruzioni meccaniche. Springer-Verlag, 2009.
[135] Gertsbackh, I. Reliability Theory with Applications to Preventive Maintenance. Springer, 2005.
[136] A. Regattieri, R. Manzini: Ingegneria di Manutenzione. Progetto Leonardo.
[137] R. Manzini, A. Regattieri, H. Pham (Series Editor), E. Ferrari: Maintenance of Industrial Systems [2+2 professors (of 3 Universities)]. Springer Series in Reliability Engineering.
[138] Reliability and Optimal Maintenance – Wang, H., Pham, H. (Author & Series Editor), (Springer, 2006)
[139] Pham, H. (one of the authors & Editor of ) Handbook of Engineering Statistics, (Springer, 2006)
[140] «E. Ferrari, A. Pareschi, A. Regattieri, A. Persona: Statistical Management and Modelling for Demand of Spare Parts. [in the Handbook of Engineering Statistics, (Springer 2006)](Pham, H. (one of the authors & Editor of …)»
[141] «Galar D. Sandborn P. Kumar U. Maintenance Costs and Life Cycle Cost Analysis»
[142] «M. Lazzaroni, L. Cristaldi, L. Peretto, P. Rinaldi, M. Catelani: Reliability Engineering [5 professors (of 4 Universities]. Springer 2003»
[143] «Montgomery D. C., 6th edition, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Wiley & Sons 2009»
[144] «Nakagawa, T.: Maintenance Theory of Reliability. Springer (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)»
[145] «Smith D. J.: Reliability, Maintainability and Risk 8th Edition. Practical Methods for Engineers including Reliability Centred Maintenance and Safety-Related Systems»
[146] «Zio, E.: An introduction to the basics of Reliability and Risk Analysis. World Scientific Publishing 2007»
[147] «Zio, E.: The Monte Carlo Simulation Method for System Reliability and Risk Analysis. Springer 2013 (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering, Pham, H. Editor of the …)»
[148] F. Galetto, Hope For The Future; overcoming the DEEP Ignorance on the Confidence Intervals_2014! QFG Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[149] F. Galetto, Case n TWENTYTHREE; VERY BAD MISTAKES on Weibull data analysis by authors with High RG Scores and High Impact Points! QFG Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[150] F. Galetto, Case n TWENTYTWO WRONG probability ideas on Insurance Mathematics and Economics ManEdit and Reviewers NOT reliable.
[151] F. Galetto, ANOVA and Least Squares Estimation Some BASICS! Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[152] F. Galetto, Case n TWENTYONE; A WRONGLY AWARDED wrong paper of on DOE, awarders are NOT reliable! Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[153] F. Galetto, Quality Engineering vs “mathematicians” - QFG: case n TWENTY, QE wins!_MANY WRONGS do not make a right; Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[154] F. Galetto, Case n NINETEEN, a WRONG Taguchi application AGAIN, REFEREES are NOT reliable! Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[155] F. Galetto, Second Addendum to Case n EIGHTEEN, PEERS INCOMPETENT; Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated for RG-2014 Research Gate.
[156] F. Galetto, Addendum to Case n EIGHTEEN, PEERS INCOMPETENT; Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated for RG-2014.
[157] F. Galetto, Case n EIGHTEEN, PEERS INCOMPETENT; Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated for RG-2014 Research Gate.
[158] F. Galetto, Case n SIXTEEN; SECOND PART, other WRONG ideas of D.C. MONTGOMERY!!!!! Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[159] F. Galetto, Case n FIFTHTEEN; the G-Method for MANOVA versus INCOMPETENT REFEREES !!!! (WRONG Taguchi applications) [ANOVA dealt in cases n NINE and ELEVEN], THIRD part Research Gate.
[160] F. Galetto, Case n FOURTEEN; MANOVA of another WRONG Taguchi application [ANOVA dealt in case n ELEVEN], REFEREES_INCOMPETENT!!!! SECOND part Research Gate.
[161] F. Galetto, Case n THIRTEEN; some WRONG ideas of PROFESSOR D.C. MONTGOMERY!!!!! FIRST PART_Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[162] F. Galetto, Quality Education on Quality and Design Of Experiments. Research Gate.
[163] F. Galetto, Case n TWELVE; MANOVA of a WRONG Taguchi application, REFEREES are NOT reliable! Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[164] F. Galetto, Case n ELEVEN; another WRONG Taguchi application, REFEREES_INCOMPETENT!!!! FIRST part Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[165] F. Galetto, Case n NINE; a WRONG Taguchi application, REFEREES are NOT reliable!!!! Quality MUST be loved, DISquality MUST be hated. Research Gate.
[166] F. Galetto, Confidence Intervals (Classic Statistics) versus Credibility Intervals (Bayesian Statistics), first part Research Gate.
[167] F. Galetto, Confidence Intervals (Classic Statistics) versus Credibility Intervals (Bayesian Statistics), second part Research Gate.
[168] F. Galetto, Quality of Quality Methods is important Research Gate.
[169] Galetto, F.,VIPSI_Belgrado2009-10_Pentalogy Research Gate.
[172] Galetto, F., Decisioni Aziendali e Metodi Statistici. Research Gate.
[173] Galetto, F., Quality and "quality magazines". Research Gate.
[174] Galetto, F., Quality Education for Professors Teaching Quality to Future Managers. Research Gate.
[175] Galetto, F., QUALITY AND "STATISTICAL PACKAGES". Research Gate.
[176] Galetto, F., Looking for Quality in "quality books". Research Gate.
[177] Galetto, F., Does "Peer Review" assure Quality of papers and Education? Research Gate.
[178] Galetto, F., IGNORANCE vs PRESUMPTUOUSNESS. Research Gate.
[179] Galetto, F., The Quality Manifesto_2014_01_07. Research Gate.
[180] Galetto, F., Qualitatis_FAUSTA_GRATIA. Research Gate.
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