Coastal Community Economic Empowerment Strategy in Merauke Regency
Community economic empowerment is an important approach to realize a balanced, developing and just economic structure, to realize a successful economic empowerment, community business capacity must become strong and independent, and in sync with community’s best potential and product, in this paper is coastal community. The purpose of this study is how the main strategies and work programs that need to be taken to improve the economy of the community in Merauke Regency by optimally utilizing coastal community resources and knowing the inhibiting and supporting factors of empowerment. Qualitative research method with a SWOT analysis tool with a focus on data sources based on the results of interviews and discussions with the fisheries service and fisheries business actors. The results of the study explain that the increase in fisherman productivity has the highest weight value which is carried out by increasing the role of capital assistance and market intervention, verified by the efforts of coastal communities.Keywords:
Coastal; Community; Economic empowermentReferences
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