Role of Effective Leadership on Empowerment, Effective Communication, and Motivation in Customer Service


  • Mitra Madanchian Research Club, Hamta Business Corporation, Hamta Group, Vancouver, Canada
  • Jay Ariken Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey, USA
  • Hamed Taherdoost Department of Arts, Communications and Social Sciences, University Canada West, Vancouver, Canada



Customer service is the act of supporting customers of a business that can break a business or generate profit in the competitive environment with growing customers’ expectations. Regarding the critical role of customer service to differentiate between businesses, it is considered as one of the top considerations in businesses. However, there is a range of key factors that are tied to the success of a customer service provider in offering quality customer service that will eventually lead the business through exceeding or falling short in responding to customers’ expectations. Besides, businesses are prone to face some challenges in the employment of customer services that are required to be addressed. This paper aims to discuss the importance of customer service and the establishment of an efficient customer service strategy in business considering different influential factors that affect offering quality customer services. It also explains challenges that businesses may face in providing amazing customer services and how to address them.


Customer service; Effective leadership; Customer expectation; Customer satisfaction; Effective communication; Business growth; Customer service strategy


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How to Cite

Madanchian, M., Ariken, J., & Taherdoost, H. (2022). Role of Effective Leadership on Empowerment, Effective Communication, and Motivation in Customer Service. Macro Management & Public Policies, 4(1), 15–20.


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