Sustainable Economic Development: The Necessary Dialogue between Environmental Law and Economics


  • Ewerton R. Messias Department of the Professional Masters Program in Animal Health, Production and Environment, University of Marília, Marília, Saint Paul, Brazil
  • André L. R. Cateli Faculty of Business, University Center of Integrated Colleges of Ourinhos, Ourinhos, Saint Paul, Brazil



This article aims to analyze the distinction between the concepts of economic growth, economic development, sustainable development and environmental justice; the inter-action between Environmental Law and Economics in the paradigm of environmental justice, and what is the purpose of such interaction; and environmental justice as a possible solution to the installed state of environmental imbalance. To this end, the concepts of economic growth, economic development, sustainable development and environmental justice are investigated; Complexity Theory and its transdisciplinary approach; and environmental justice as a new order capable of reversing a state of installed environmental imbalance. To obtain the results desired by the research, the method of approach to be followed will be the empirical-dialectical, using bibliographic research, having as a reference system of the Law and Economics of Richard A. Posner. In conclusion, it is pointed out that there is a need for a new development model, which, based on transdisciplinarity, should seek solutions in favor of socioeconomic-environmental balance for present and future generations, as a way of overcoming the state of environmental imbalance installed, as well as all the economic, political, cultural, social and environmental impacts caused by it.


Transdisciplinarity; Economic development; Sustainable development; Dignified life


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How to Cite

Messias, E. R., & Cateli, A. L. R. (2022). Sustainable Economic Development: The Necessary Dialogue between Environmental Law and Economics. Macro Management & Public Policies, 4(1), 21–27.


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