How Environmental Attitudes Affect Consumers’ Willingness to Engage in Green Consumption Behaviors: The Moderating Role of “Plastic Restriction”
Consumers’ willingness to engage in green consumption behavior will be guided by internal psychological factors and also influenced by external environmental factors. One of the most common external interventions is the issuance of scientific policies and regulations. The government may introduce policies and regulations that help to increase the willingness of green consumption behavior, such as energy-saving and emission reduction policies and policies to restrict plastic products. In this paper, the authors study the mechanism of the effect of environmental attitudes on consumers’ willingness to engage in green consumption behavior from the perspective of “plastic restriction”, and conclude that the magnitude of the effect of policies and regulations on the willingness to engage in green consumption behavior varies significantly at different levels of environmental attitudes. This study provides scientific implementation ideas and targeted management suggestions for the government to formulate effective external intervention policies for green consumption.
Environmental attitudes; Policies and regulations; Willingness to engage in green consumer behavior; Plastic restrictionReferences
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