Interconnection of Green Marketing and Green Human Resource Management Functions
Over the globe, we are moving to industrialization, which expands business creation, innovation, and different business exercises. This also expands human comfort, yet in addition, builds its way of life. In any case, on the opposite side, it likewise increments environmental danger that came about biological dangers to person. This article highlights the importance of green HRM practices for effective green marketing. The green human asset (the executives) has to make green mindfulness among the new ability and the current representative working for the association, energize their workers for helping the association to lessen the reasons for ecological debasement through green development, green projects and practices, hold the assets for the group of people yet to come. Based on extensive literature review, it is found that green HRM can create readiness, motivation and pledge to workers to contribute their endeavors and thoughts to the greening of their association for real reflection to the consumers in endeavors to cope with green skepticism and greenwash for effective green marketing and corporate social identity.
Greenwash; Green skepticism; Corporate social responsibility; Green trustReferences
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