Development of Superhydrophobic Polyester (Polyethylene terephthalate) Fabric for Multiple Applications
This study intended to develop a healthy and environmentally friendly super-hydrophobic PET polyester textile fabric using a specific Fluoro Silane finish (SHF). A novel SHF was prepared and applied on a polyester fabric using a pad-dry-cure method. The finished fabric was evaluated for the degree of hydrophobicity, durability and stain repellence. The finished fabric exhibited static water contact angle greater than 170o and received 90 AATCC (4 ISO) rating that is recognized as super-hydrophobicity and this property was maintained even after a 50,000-cycle abrasion test. FTIR analysis identified the characteristic peaks related to Si-O-Si and C-F asymmetric stretching bands of the finish on the fabric indicating a robust attachment on the fabric. Finished fabric did not show any change in appearance or tactile characteristics of the fabric.
Polyester fabric; Contact Angle; Fluoro silane; Super hydrophobic; Stain repellantReferences
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