Developing of Load-bearing Bones Replacement Based on Cerium Compounds/Nano-hydroxyapatite Composites
The importance of implantable biomaterials is growing up in recent days for modern medicine, especially fixation, replacement, and regeneration of load-bearing bones. Through the past several years, metals, ceramics, polymers, and their composites, have been used for the reconstruction of hard tissues. Special standards such as adequate mechanical and biocompatible properties are required to avoid rejection reactions of the tissues. Recently, a number of novel advanced biomaterials are developed as promising candidates. Amongst those, cerium-based biomaterials acquired attention as a substitution material for hard tissues reconstruction because of cerium antioxidative properties, which enabled it to be used to decrease mediators of inflammation. In addition, the eminent mechanical properties, as well as the perfect chemical and biological compatibilities, make cerium-based biomaterials attractive for biomedical application.
Hard tissue; Load-bearing; BiomaterialsReferences
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