Graph Theory and Matrix Approach (GTMA) Model for the Selection of the Femoral-Component of Total Knee Joint Replacement
Total Knee Replacement (TKR) is the increasing trend now a day, in revision surgery which is associated with aseptic loosening, which is a challenging research for the TKR component. The selection of optimal material loosening can be controlled at some limits. This paper is going to consider the best material selected among a number of alternative materials for the femoral component (FC) by using Graph Theory. Here GTMA process used for optimization of material and a systematic technique introduced through sensitivity analysis to find out the more reliable result. Obtained ranking suggests the use of optimized material over the other existing material. By following GTMA Co_Cr-alloys (wrought-Co-Ni-CrMo) and Co_Cr-alloys (cast-able-Co-Cr-Mo)are on the 1st and 2nd position respectively.
Femoral component; Knee replacement; Graph theory and matrix approach; Sensitivity analysisReferences
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