Electrical Resistivity Survey on Two Waste Dumpsites at Nguru, Potiskum, Yobe State, Nigeria to Determine the Effect of Leachates on Ground Water Aquifer
The research intends to bring out the contribution of leachate on groundwater in two dumpsites in Nguru and Potiskum all in Yobe state, Nigeria. A total of seven (7) and eight (8) VES by Schlumberger electrode with the use of Wenner electrode configuration. The results were interpreted by the use of WinRESIST for VES and IPWIN2INV for ERT. The study pointed out that, the area in question is comprised of four layers of geoelectric such as the topsoil, clay, sand, sandy clay and sand. The range of the first resistivity layer was from 6.16 Ωm to 332 Ωm in the first geo-electric layer and its thickness range from 2.77 m to 37.7 m and a depth range of 2.77 m to 37.7 m. the range of the second resistivity layer was from 16.5 Ωm to 37.9 Ωm which has the range of its thickness from 4.1 m to 10.7 m. The range of the third resistivity layer was from 101.2 Ωm to 288.2 Ωm which has the range of its thickness from 38.9 m to 99.7 m, and the first aquifer in the area. The range of the first resistivity layer was from 100.7 Ωm to 214.3 Ωm which has the range of its thickness from 28.5 m to 94 m. The fifth layer which is the second aquifer and has resistivity from 254 Ωm to 350 Ωm with a very large thickness. The range of the first resistivity aquifer is from 101.2 Ωm to 288.2 Ωm and the range of the second resistivity aquifer is from 253.8 Ωm to 350.1 Ωm. The 2D ERT profiles unveiled areas with low resistant zones and later discussed as zones penetrated by contaminants originated from dumpsites whereas high resistant zones represent areas of low or non-conductive materials in the area. Data obtained from four dumpsites indicated that leachate of the waste dumpsites penetrated into aquifers and polluted the groundwater. The existence of contaminants in the water was noted by a decrease in the formation resistant values. It is seen, from the results of the survey (geophysical) that the water in the area is polluted and it accounts for the prevalence of any disease related to water that are common in the area
Dumpsite; Profile; Resistivity; Leachate; Groundwater contaminationReferences
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