Recent Progress in Superhydrophobic Coatings Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Experimental Techniques
Superhydrophobic (SH) coatings are intended to resist a surface from corrosion and thereby increases the product life duration. It is also a promisingsolution to save cleaning costs and time by providing self-clean nature tothe surface. This review article provides the most recent updates in designing SH surfaces and their characterizations adopted both in experimentaland computational techniques. To gain a comprehensive perspective, theSH surfaces present in nature those are inspiring human beings to mimicsuch surfaces are introduced at the beginning of this article. Subsequently,different fabrication techniques undertaken recently to design artificial SHsurfaces are briefly discussed. Recent progress in computations employedin the development of SH surfaces is then discussed. Next, the limitationsin SH surfaces are addressed. Finally, perceptiveness of different strategiesand their limitations are presented in the concluding remarks and outlook.Overall, this mini review article brings together and highlights thesignificant advancements in fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaceswhich may surely help the early-stage researchers/scientists to plan theirwork accordingly.Keywords:
Superhydrophobic surfaces; Self-clean coatings; Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations; Bio-mimetic superhydrophobic surfaces; Chemical vapor deposition; Anti-corrosion coatingsReferences
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