Activated Carbon Precursors Derived from Jute Fiber: Social, Economic and Environmental Development
Activated carbon fiber (ACF) is undoubtedly one of the most significant carbon nanocomposite materials to consider from the perspective of application in adsorption. Compared to other commercial porous storage materials, it offers many benefits. With a fiber-like shape and a clearly defined porosity structure, activated carbon fiber (ACF) is a potential microporous material. In general, synthetic carbon fiber (CF) can be used to commercially make ACF with the inclusion of an activation procedure. High packing density, outstanding volumetric capacity, rapid adsorption/ desorption, and ease of handling are some of the unique properties of ACF. The production expenses of ACF are made up of fiber processing costs and activation costs, both of which are comparatively more expensive than those of other activated carbons. Recently, researchers have indicated that the manufacturing of ACF from less expensive precursors might be accomplished by preparing activated carbon (AC) from agricultural wastes. In comparison to synthetic ACF, there were fewer details and publicly accessible sources of information about these natural fiber derived ACF. The cost of processing fiber is higher and shaping fiber into the correct shape is challenging. In this study, social and environmental compliance, economic development, advantages of carbon fiber,and applications of carbon fiber are discussed.
Carbon fiber; Biodegradability; Precursors; DerivationReferences
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