Antibacterial Potential of Pulp Capping Materials
A critical analysis of the antibacterial effect of the main representatives of calcium silicate cements (CSCs) was made. An analysis of the most frequently used methods for screening the antibacterial activity of materials has been made. The inhibitory activity of CSCs against major types of microorganisms such as Candia albicans, E. faecalis, and strains streptococcus was evaluated and compared. The antibacterial effects of CSCs are not yet well and completely known because no evidence compares the antibacterial properties of bioceramic materials with a uniform methodological approach. It is important to provide standardization of testing methods for evaluating the antibacterial potential of the materials and different bacterial strains. To this stage, there are no reproducible and standardized methods for evaluating of antibacterial activity of CSCs.
Calcium silicate cements; Bacterial inhibition activity; MicroorganismsReferences
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