Effects of Chemical Mutagen (Sodium Azide) on Onion Grown in Organic and Inorganic Fertilized Soil
The effects of chemical agent (Sodium Azide) on Onion growing in organic and inorganic fertile soil was to be examined during this study. The analysis work was carried out within the green house of the research laboratory technology of the Oke Ogun Science Laboratory Technology, Saki, Oyo State. Onion seeds were soaked inside different beakers containing the mixture of Sodium Azide and water mixed with 10 ml of Phosphate solution for 4 hours. Also, the control was soaked with normal water and 10 ml of Phosphate buffer solution. The treated seeds of onions was planted in plastic containers containing 4.2 g of weighed humus soil within the green house at the Department of research lab Technology of The Oke Ogun polytechnic school, Saki Oyo State. The samples parameter were taken daily for six consecutive months. The result obtained was additionally subjected to statistical analysis by using DMRT techniques. The results showed that the stem length was ranged from 11.39±0.62 and 9.98±0.52 with sample of onion without sodium Azide and inorganic had the highest stem length values and samples of onion with Sodium Azide and inorganic had very cheap stem length. However, the leave length ranged from 29.63±0.12 and 22.45±0.10 with the Onion samples with inorganic and Organic fertilizers which had the highest leave length and sample of onion without Sodium Azide was very low leave length. The results of this study showed that each one the parameters studied within the plant were low with Sodium Azide treatment. The decrease in plant growth, plant heights, root lengths, and Phaonerogam survival, fruit yield per plant and height at maturity with agent concentration. It is hereof suggested that Sodium Azide (NaN3) was expected to produce mutation in onion that area unit extremely liable to harmful pathogens and making them cheap to be useful for farmers.
Agent; Solution; Green house; Sodium Azide; Vulnerable; PhaonerogamReferences
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