Agricultural systems result of the coevolution between social and natural systems, where biodiversity and natural resources play an important role, emerging interactions between crops and the natural environment that allow the development of ecological processes which interact with external inputs. This research aims to describe the agricultural practices developed by the Guarani Indigenous people in... More
The water network plays an important role in maintaining the stability of regional water resource and ecological environment. It is also affecting the harmonious development between environment and economy. Guangxi is one of the provinces with relatively rich water resources in China, while the ecological water network exists deficiencies and faces challenges. The current situation... More
In this study, an analysis of organic fertilizer of an agro-waste (Sesame straw) plus cow dung was carried out using an epigeic earthworm species Eisenia fetida and Perionyx sansibaricus. Sesame straw is abundantly produced after each harvesting of the crop in Kharif season in arid region of tropical India. The compost produced in presence and... More
This work aims at studying different green spaces’ experiences in developed countries and extrapolates the experiences to Oromia cities in Ethiopia; in order to investigate and promote greenery infrastructure in selected cities. To do that greenery practice performance data were collected in four cities, which were classified into two groups as good and weak performers.... More
The development of ecological economics is a major strategy for development in the 21st century. Although scholars have been rising more and more interesting for ecological economic over the past 10 years, it is still unclear what is the change will be facing in the future. In order to provide a theoretical basis for the... More
The research was conducted in chaha wereda gurage zone SNNP region of Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to assess opportunity and challenges of degraded land rehabilitation. From the total population of the study area 20% (73) respondents were selected in order to achieve the objective of the study at hand, for the study... More