Drought impacts in arid desert ecosystems can result in decreased ecosystem productivity and biodiversity. Implementation of restoration projects in arid desert environments is largely dependent on water availability and soil moisture condition. This study investigated the influence of induced drought stress by using polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000) solution on germination viz. Cenchrus ciliaris and Cenchrus setigerus... More
Tropical ecosystems are bio-diverse ecosystems that differ according to varied environmental features. This work assessed the tree diversity and environmental variables that define a rainforest ecosystem in southeast Nigeria. 30 forest plots were used to identify trees ≥ 10 cm (DBH measured at 130 cm). Soil samples were collected up to 30 cm deep at... More
The Pallas's Gull Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus is a piscivorous gull, some local populations of which are rare and vulnerable. The review presents data on the status and distribution of the Pallas's Gull in the reservoirs of the Palearctic—water bodies in which the water level is controlled by humans. The aim of the study was to assess... More