Abstract: In this study, we monitored for the impact of three aqueous extracts of plants (Azadirachta indica, Hyptis suaveolens and Solanum lycopersicum) on insect pests abundance in okra (Albermochus esculentus L.) crop, compared to a synthetic chemical « SAUVEUR 62 EC », having as active ingredients, acetamiprid 32g/l and Lambda-cyhalothrin 30g/l. Foliar applications by these extracts... More
Ground dwelling insects, spiders, and other arthropods play an important role in agroecosystems as predators and saprophytic organisms. Their presence on the soil surface helps the biological control of pests, enhances organic matter decomposition and promotes biodiversity. Soil disturbance, particularly tilling and mowing has greatly affected the assemblage and abundance of epigeic arthropods. This study... More
Plantation under the forest is a good way of agroforestry, but the canopy closure has a great influence on understory herbs’ growth. In the study, different canopy closures of Phyllostachys pubescens forests were set up to explore its influence on the growth of Ilex latifolia Thunb. The photosynthetic characteristics of Ilex latifolia leaves under different... More
Urban climate is considered one of the most important environmental criteria in urban planning, since it significantly affects the project and its placement in the space. Climate conditions are central to the study, with winds in the urban environment, their direction, intensity and changes taken into consideration designing the new interventions in space. The... More
The pursuit of the liberation of all mankind and the comprehensive development of human freedom is the theme of all marxist theories.Marx in the criticism of classical political economics "abstract", to the whole history of the definition of "general", found the abstract "general" of the people behind the objective existence and state of development, so... More