Review (This article belongs to the Special Issue "Impacts of Climatic Changes on Biodiversity")
Climate Change and Biodiversity in West Africa Sahel: A Review
Ecotourism is a tourism modality intricately linked to the principles of sustainability, due to its natural offer component and environmental education. The objective of this research is to evaluate the perception of ecotourists present on the coast of Yucatan. From a regional approach, the author selected twenty-five community-based ecotourism ventures (CBET) present in the area... More
Studies on composition and structure generate crucial information for characterizing plant communities and planning conservation actions. There are still substantial knowledge gaps in Brazilian protected areas, preventing design programs to mitigate biodiversity loss. This is the case of the National Forest of Ipanema (Ipanema NAFO) in São Paulo state, Brazil, where plant diversity remains uncalculated.... More
Climate change has many effects on biodiversity. Few studies have focused on the consequences of climate change on biodiversity in West Africa Sahel which is one of the most sensitive regions to climate change. Thus, this study examined the different effects of climate change on biodiversity in West Africa Sahel to guide climate policies. The... More
Over the past 50 years, a number of homegrown solutions and international development assistance have been initiated and implemented to address the West Africa Sahel region’s biodiversity resources decline. This ranges from indigenous/community led natural resources regeneration and land restoration techniques, funding and technical support in developing protected areas, military aid, specialized training of forest... More
The Brazilian Cerrado, characterized by grasslands, savannahs and riverine forests, is a biodiversity hotspot, threatened by the expansion of the agricultural frontier, and therefore, needs effective conservation actions. At the national level, the Cerrado core-region has received more conservation efforts than the marginal (non-core) areas, being considered more biodiverse. However, many marginal areas are also... More