This paper attempts to identify major natural hazards and disaster incidents damage and losses in Nepal. Using participatory and geographical diversity approach and for collecting information, multi- criteria decision making methods and analytical hierarchic process to identify the hazard prone area with type and intensity and location - specific innovative practices and their legitimization for... More
A robust framework to guide community engagement in sustainable wildlife conservation and illegal wildlife trade is lacking. Virtually all conservation bodies and players believe that local communities are key to the success of rhino conservation but they are not equally walking their talk. Bottom-up community-based initiatives help to curb poaching especially level one poachers. The... More
Societies have varied attitude and perception on the forest resources nearby them. Ethnobotanical knowledge should be integrated with biophysical studies in order to be used for managing and conserving forests. The objectives of the study were to assess the existing knowledge about the uses of plant species and to examine the plant species. Three sites... More
Enforcing environmental laws and policies has been one of the pressing agenda globally. Despite the mandate given to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the Act 490, there are still numerous environmental issues unaddressed in Ghana. This paper is geared towards unravelling and identifying the current additions that have been made to existing literature on... More
Invasive forest species are a recurring problem, which in Portugal assume a somewhat mediatic role, both because of the impacts they cause on biodiversity, but also because they enhance the accumulation of high amounts of fuel load, increasing the risk of forest fires. However, in some areas of the country, such as the Alentejo (South... More