Effects of Returning Straw and Milk Vetch on Rice Growth and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The effects of different nitrogen application levels on rice yield and greenhouse gas (NO2, CH4) emissions from rice fields under the combined action of straw and milk vetch. Two treatments were set up in the main area of this experiment: R0 (no straw returned to the field, 0); R1 (amount of straw returned to the field under normal conditions, 6000 kg·hm-2). Before turning the straw back into the field, use a circular knife to cut the straw into 10~13 cm.And 3 kinds of nitrogen application treatments in the sub-district: N1 (no nitrogen application, 0), N2 (nitrogen application, 15 kg·hm-2), N3 (nitrogen application, 30 kg·hm-2), two-factor cross-combination,and a non-nitrogen control CK, total of 7 treatments. The results showed that in 2017, early rice R1N2 treatment increased the most obvious yield, which was 32.44% higher than CK, and late rice R1N1 treatment increased the most significantly, which was 17.91% higher than CK. CH4 emission is positively correlated with the straw returned to the field. N2O is the opposite. The N2O emission flux was highest in the treatment of R1N3, and the CH4 emission flux was the highest in the treatment of R1N2.
Straw; Milk vetch; Greenhouse gas; Rice yieldReferences
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