Maintaining Sustainability and Resilience in Rangeland Ecosystems
Rangelands contribute to human well-being worldwide. However, its fragile ecosystems are threatened due to inappropriate management that has been leading to its degradation in African rangelands in general and in Ethiopian rangelands in particular. Rangeland degradation is attributable to both natural and anthropogenic causes. Restoring degraded areas by replanting using native species is one of the most promising sustainable rangeland management tools to fight the degradation in the rangelands and enhance resilience in the face of environmental shocks. Restoration improves vegetation cover and biomass yield and enhances other ecosystem services. Native drought-tolerant species have produced promising rehabilitation outcomes and have been recommended for the restoration of degraded rangeland areas. Replanting using native species remains a viable sustainable management option to enhance resilience in the face of environmental shocks. Therefore, to maintain the sustainability and resilient rangeland ecosystems, comprehensive approaches and strategies suitable for rangelands need to be revitalized, developed, strengthened and promoted.
Savanna; Restoration; Replanting; ReseedingReferences
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