Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Changes Affecting Regional Ecology in Patna Urban Agglomeration (PUA) in Bihar, India During 1990 to 2024
Patna is among the cities high populated at risk of ecological and environmental deterioration due to a variety of human activities, such as poor land cover management. One of the most crucial elements of a successful land resource management plan is the evaluation of Land Use Land Cover (LULC). Over the past 20 years, our planet's land cover resources have undergone substantial changes due to rapid development. The Land Use Land Cover (LULC) categories of the Patna Urban Agglomeration (PUA), including water bodies, agricultural land, barren land, built-up areas, and vegetation, were identified using Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Three multi-temporal images were analyzed and classified through supervised classification using the maximum likelihood method. By comparing three separately created LULC categorized maps from 1990 and 2024, temporal changes were analyzed. In order to update land cover or manage natural resources, it is vital to use change detection as a tool to identify changes in LULC over time in PUA, Patna between 1990, 2010 and 2024. According to their respective Kappa coefficients, the accuracy rates for 1990, 2010 and 2024 LULC are 91.66 and 94.93, respectively. An accuracy evaluation was conducted to determine the correctness of the classification system and to determine the efficacy of the LULC classification maps. One hundred reference test pixels were identified. There have been found significant changes in the LULC were built up area has increased doubled in last thirty-four years of timeline.
LULC; GIS; Urban Agglomeration, Ecology, PatnaReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Ekta Raman, Poonam Sharma, Subhash Anand, Praveen Kumar, Niraj Kumar, Arvind Kumar Sahani, Vimlesh Kumar Saket, Manish Kumar

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