Effects of Silicon Fertilization on Soil Chemical Properties and Phytolith Formation of Phyllostachys pubescens
Silicon is benefit to Gramineae plants in growth and resistance to various stresses. However, the effect of silicon fertilizer application on Phyllostachys pubescens is still not investigated yet. Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel ex J. Houz is one kind of Gramineae plants which distributes in a large area. In this study, a field experiment with five Si fertilizer application rates (0, 125, 250, 375, and 500 kg ha-1) was setup in a Phyllostachys pubescens forest in China to examine the effects of Si fertilizer on bamboo Si and phytolith accumulation in fresh leaf and leaf litter. Results showed that Si application increased soil available Si content in deep layers. Si content of leaf-litter increased with the increasing level of Si fertilizer application rate, with the value ranging from 114.3 g kg−1 to 172.7 g kg−1, however, no significant difference was observed in fresh leaf, with the value ranging from 84.0 g kg−1 to 115.0 g kg−1. The phytolith contents of leaf-litter and fresh leaf were consistent with the Si contents, the phytolith content in leaf-litter of T4 (500 kg ha-1) was 48.4% higher than the control, suggesting Phyllostachys pubescens exhibited an increasing carbon sink in phytolith when Si fertilizer applied, which is an effective way to increase long-term soil organic carbon storage in Phyllostachys pubescens forests with a suitable Si fertilization.
Bamboo; Carbon storage; Silicon amendment; Soil available silicon; PhytolithReferences
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